Peckham Rye Park
DVD Colour Sound 2003 8:25

Summary: A short amateur documentary about Peckham Rye Park made by Young Friends of the Park.
Title number: 21552
LSA ID: LSA/28256
Description: 13” Shots of people and places in Peckham Rye Park, and the schoolchildren making the documentary, throughout.
55” Introduction to schoolchildren Joseph, Chloe, Amber and Melita who are making this documentary about Peckham Rye Park.
1’21” Joseph says they like the park because it is clean, safe and exciting. Chloe says her favourite part is the playground. Melita likes the nature and the ducks. Amber says she has been coming to the park for 10 years and likes playing in the playground and feeding the ducks. Melita says she’s been coming for 9 years and likes playing with her friends in the Sexby Garden. Joseph says he’s been using the park for 9 years and is entertaining and fun to use. Chloe says she has been using the park for 9 years too and likes playing, riding her bike and feeding the ducks.
2’28” Shots of children with Young Friends of the Park T-shirts on, playing in the park. 2’33” We are introduced to Nick Lane who is Young Friends of the Park coordinator and Rachel Evans who is the chair of Peckham Rye Park. Nick explains that there are lots of exciting events which happens in the park and talks about Peckham Rye Primary School recently planting a beautifully designed circular flower bed. Rachel explains that the park is used by many people eg those who play football, young children, old people, those who play bowls, school groups and people who just want to come to sit in a beautiful place.
3’31” The manager of Southwark Caribb Football, talks about the club which is for children from 5 – 16 years old. The club is about 3 years old and is based within the park as Peckham Rye is a link for the children in the area. She explains that the park is important to the community and people that live nearby. Shots of children playing football and trophies.
4’22” Shots of the park to the soundtrack of Clannad. 5’12” Black and white photos of the park in 1900 and 1883. Old photo of Sexby Garden. Old photos are followed by footage of the same areas of the park currently.
5’50” Joseph asks Rachel Evans if she thinks the park has improved. She says yes in some respects but because works on the paths and lakes haven’t happened yet, it’s worse in some ways. She says that once money from the lottery project comes through there will be a huge improvement.
6’11” Footage of the rubbish collection vehicle and its driver. Joseph talks about the litter in the park. Nick Lane says he has been working on the project since August 2002. He says the video project is a great idea.
7’14” Melita talks about a holly tree in the park and the fact that it is an evergreen. Chloe talks about the willow trees round the pond.
Credits: Atir@com (Producer); Nick Lane ; Rita Smith
Cast: Chloe Holdforth
Amber Holdforth
Melita Cawdell
Daniel Doolan
Liam Dooland
Liam Harris
Joseph Alawi
Josh Beer
Nick Lane
Further information: If you were part of the production team or have more information about this film, please get in contact with
Keywords: Parks; environment; Peckham; Young people