Greenwich Council: A Day in the Life
VHS Colour Sound c.1984 19:42

Summary: Greenwich Council: A Day in the Life
Title number: 2142
LSA ID: LSA/2812
Description: This video takes a tour of daily life in Greenwich. Beginning at the Glyndon Housing Estate, the day starts in the office and then progresses to the Westbourne Ave Area Works Depot. Real people and workers of Greenwich weave in and out of the story as various social services of the Borough are shown in action. Councillor John Austin- Walker and the Greenwich Council Housing manage the placement of residents who had been formerly living in Elmley Street Estate, where refurbishment is happening. Plumbers arrive to fix a problem at Brooklands Estate, representing the Greenwich Direct Labor Organisation, which maintains, repairs, improves most Council homes and buildings. Social Services employees care for the 'under-five' and 'over eighty' groups. Employees of the Economic Development unit in Macbean Centre help a man wanting to start a small business. Social Services ventures out with the elderly to see the Christmas Lights. The day draws to an end but work continues as Housing Emergency Services respond to a call.
Further information: made for the Greenwich Council Campaign Unit
Keywords: Council Film; Local; Greenwich; Community