Our Spring Festival: West Bermondsey Community Forum, Spring Festival 2005
DVD Colour Sound 2005 11:20

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Summary: Short film about, and shot during, the West Bermondsey Community Forum’s Spring Festival 2005.
Title number: 21137
LSA ID: LSA/27805
Description: Clips of the festival throughout.
Film opens with Katie Nicholls, Outreach and Development worker for West Bermondsey Community Forum, talking about the forum enabling people to build stronger communities and ask for the services needed but that first people need to be brought together.
31” Simon Hughes (at the time Member of Parliament for North Southwark and Bermondsey) talks about the Festival being an opportunity for children and families to get together during the school holidays.
55” Clips of festival activities. Katie Nicholls says festivals are a good way to bring people together irrespective of age or background. The West Bermondsey Community Forum worked in conjunction with the Rockingham Estate Play Association to put on this festival. Clips of families at the festival, children on a bouncy castle, craft and gardening activities, children playing and people meeting up.
2’39” Contributors says the festival is good for bringing in people that may not otherwise know about the park, that the park is really nice and that it’s a great open area in the middle of a community and lots of flats.
3’15” Katie Nicholls explains that everything is free including entry, healthy food, massage, workshops, entertainment, bouncy castle (relevant clips). Contributor talks about providing organic salad and smoothies and talking to people about health. He shows some of the products he has. Nicholls says it’s important things are free to allow equal access to all and to engender a spirit of generosity.
4’53” Clips of a man with a microphone, Talkieoke (sic?), stimulating conversation amongst the community at the festival. Contributor says it’s a good idea to get children talking about issues, ideas and beliefs. Clips of face painting, children swinging on ropes, playing. Contributor talks about running a Dreamcatcher workshop.
7’09” Katie Nicholls says all the entertainment is provided by community music groups. Footage of people performing from the Charterhouse Youth Music Club, the Princes Trust and Kickstart. Contributor talks about services provided for young people by his organisation including sports, education, dance and music. Footage of a man singing. Nicholls talks about hoping the festival will happen again the following year and it getting bigger and better. She asks for ideas from the local community. Other contributors say similar.
9’43” Children say the bouncy castle was the best bit of the festival. Katie Nicholls says that the festival being held in the park highlights the wonderful green space to those who may not know about it. Simon Hughes talks about young people participating in the green spaces being very important for the community. Contributor says the festival has been marvellous and that she will be back again.
Credits: Katie Nicholls (Producer)
Cast: Katie Nicholls, Outreach and Development Worker; Simon Hughes MP; local residents.
Further information: DVD available to view onsite.
Keywords: community; recreation; Adventure playground