Brandon Estate Cine Club films compilation: LSA 1492-1497
DVD Black & White Silent ? 70:45

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Summary: A DVD containing 6 of the Brandon Estate Cine Club films including: Canvey Outing (1973); Canvey 1966: A Day at the Sea (1966); Sun-Fun-Canvey (1970); Summer Fete 1969 - Brandon Estate Social Club (1969); Kiddies Xmas Party 1962 (1962); Presenting Miss Jans highlights (1966) Londons Screen Archive refs. 1492-1497
Title number: 21135
LSA ID: LSA/27800
Description: LSA 1492 - Trip to Canvey Island 1973 colour 9’33”
People from Brandon Estate milling around waiting to get on the waiting coaches. On-board the coach children laugh in front of the camera. Men pose with cigarettes. Outside children pose and eat ice -lollies. A poster for Vinyl Silk is shown. Kids pose and muck around on the coach. There is some footage of a map and a card which says ‘The Brandon Estate Social and Youth Club’ Canvey 1973. At Canvey Island some adults go in to The Gold Mine Water’s Edge Free House, the children go on the dodgems. Children bounce on the trampolines. A mum shows off some goldfish she has won. Some teenagers have fish and chips. Girls fight on the grass. A mum and some children have picnics. Some mums trampoline together. Everyone sits and eats their picnic. The coach takes everyone home.
1493 – A Day at the Sea or ‘Ave a Blow Bill 1966 (SOUND colour but grainy) Beatles and other music soundtrack soundtrack. 12’41”
Footage of Brandon Estate including high vantage shots and a shot of a sculpture outside one of the estates. People from the estate wait to get on the coaches. A map shows London and Canvey Island. Coach stops at a large café for a cup of tea. Girls pose on the coach. The coach’s journey is plotted on a map. At Canvey Island children play on the amusements. Women play bingo. A girl is left outside in her pushchair. Children go down the helter skelter. View from the helter skelter. Children in the dodgems. Children eating candyfloss. Women do a dance in front of the camera. Children roll down the hill. Women have difficulties putting up deckchairs children get changed. Boys take their fishing nets. Try and get water in buckets. Children paddle. Men blow up a dingy. Men go to petrol station to inflate dingy. Speeded up footage of man carrying it back. Man gets changed under a towel Boys plan with dingy. Man storms in the water and lies in the dingy, boys take out valves and he starts to sinks. He carries the dingy to shore and collapses. The St John Ambulance man starts rotating his arms. The sequence ends with the man walking off followed by two other men who float the dingy over his head. The film ends with footage of women’s bottoms as they walk along.
1494 - Sun Fun Canvey. 16' 11" (colour , silent)
Opens with title frames: SUN... FUN... CANVEY... 1970. Residents young and old board StarDuster coaches outside the Brandon Estate. Children wave and mug for the camera on the coach. BME communities. Policeman in uniform chats with residents. Bus pulls away from the estate, we see POV of it driving down road and the driver, with view of second coach in front. View from the road of multiple coaches driving through the suburbs on the way. The coaches arrive and residents get off. Children have candyfloss and people look around the stalls and shops outside the Amusements Arcade. A child eats an ice cream with a messy face. Fun House Arcade, Sally's Bar Fish and Chips. Children get on a model railway ride, sitting on a red train going round the tracks. People sit on the beach on the sand, and children play with buckets and spades in the water, parents and adults supervise. Women sit in deck chairs, and mothers paddle with toddlers in the shallows of the sea. Children play with rubber rings and lilos. People relax in the sunshine with sunglasses and windbreakers. Children walk on top of stone wall breakers. Women sit on the rocks. GVs of casino amusement arcade. Boy holds a prize of a fish in a plastic bag of water. Children climb up to the top of the Wild Mouse rollercoaster ride. POV on the rollercoaster. Other fairground rides, aeroplanes, bumper cars, dodgems, A baby cries in its pram. POV on helter skelter slide. Title frame says 'The End'.
1495 - Sports Day and Fete 1969 – (colour, no sound) 7’06”
Film begins with a hand-made poster, Sports Day and Fete Brandon Estate Social Club In aid of the Chailey Heritage Childrens (sic) Home. A black draws up and a chauffeur opens the door for the mayor and his wife to step out. A little girl gives her a bunch of flowers. The mayor’s wife gives her a kiss. They meet people on the estate. There’s a bingo game going on. A white elephant stall. There’s a bric –a –brac stall. A fortuneteller. The mayor’s wife and mayor try to knock over the cans. There are children’s races and three-legged races. A baby picks at the grass.
1496 -Kiddies Xmas Party 1962 Black and White Film dark and grainy no sound 10’ 16”
A man blows up a balloon. Rows of tables are set out with crackers. The film cuts to the tea party with all the children wearing hats and being served tea. Children perform on the stage. The children go and see Father Christmas. Shot of one of the cameramen. There’s a magician and an accordion player and a comedian.
1497 – Presenting Miss Jans Highlights 1966 Colour No sound 14’58”Girls are being dressed for a show. Girls are having their make-up and hair done. They are being put in to their costumes. A little girl in pink sings a song. Two girls duet. Four girls do a tap dance. Older girls do a tap dance. Another little girl sings a song. Another tap routine. Little girls duet together. A group called the Brandon High Lights play. Marching girls, dressed as soldiers sing and dance. Older girls do a routine. A pantomime horse makes an appearance. The film ends with a title that says ‘Our thanks to all those who made tonight possible.’
Credits: Brian Waterman (Filmmaker); Richard Morgan (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Housing; residents; Fetes/fairgrounds