Brandon Estate Cine Club films compilation: LSA 1486-1491
DVD Black & White Silent ? 50:40

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Summary: A DVD containing 10 of the Brandon Estate Cine Club films, compiled by London's Screen Archives including Cine Club Outing to Stratford on Avon (1962), Cambridge Dance with Nicholas Parsons (1961), Children's Party (c.1961), Types of Film [Cine Equipment] (c.1960s), LCC Brandon Estate (c.1961), Sports Day (1962), The Baby Show (c.1962), Return to Canvey island: Wot Time's Tea Jim? (1972), Canvey for the Cup (1967), Canvey (1972), Londons Screen Archive refs. 1486-1491
Title number: 21134
LSA ID: LSA/27798
Description: (LSA1486 (a)) - a trip to Stratford upon Avon
Adults get on a coach. A boy pumps an old-fashioned pump for water but none comes out. The coach arrives at its destination and the people get off the bus and go into the public bar of a pub. Everyone gets off the bus including children. They have arrived near a park with a lake. The film then cuts to the Riverside Hotel where some of the party have a cup of tea at a long table. The film cuts to outside and a programme for the Shakespeare Company which is on a post outside. Some boys row on the lake. A sign on a house points to Shakespeare’s Birthplace, another says Henley Street. Footage is taken of a Tudor street. The film ends with a little girl in the park. Ends 3’ 26”
(LSA1486 (b)) - Cambridgeshire Dance Saturday - 21st October 1961. (black and white; no sound) A second title says, ‘With Nicholas Parsons’. A quartet is on stage. People dance on the dance floor. Nicholas Parsons arranges his tie and talks with the compere who then takes the stage to introduce him. Nicholas Parsons goes on stage and banters with the audience. He then picks a ticket from the tombola. Nobody claims the prize so he picks another ticket. The camera looks at the audience and a woman who is sitting by a table which has sandwiches and cakes on it. Women and children join hands to do the Okey-Cokey. A sign on the grating outside announces the personal appearance of Nicholas Parsons at the Cambridgeshire Dance.
(LSA1486 (c)- (No title)) – Children’s Christmas Party 1961? (black and white; no sound)
Laid table with Christmas crackers are shown. Women sit at the tables and make sandwiches. Children come in and make their way to the tables. Adults are wearing party hats. The children drink squash and eat the sandwiches and pudding. [film judders at 11’ 48” for a few seconds]. Cuts to shot of something that is not identifiable. Ends at 12’ 16
LSA1487 - Types of Film (black and white; no sound)
A film about the types of film available and in what conditions they should be used. Types of film in boxes are set and instructions for their use are written on the blackboard.
Black and white medium and fast. Outdoors, Indoors. Colour films. Use Adox 400 ASA when lighting is limited. Use 10-40 ASA for normal lighting. A woman takes a film out of a box and there follows a message ‘Not Like That!’ Like This and the woman takes it out of the box correctly. Various types of cameras – Eumig c3; Kodak Brownie, JE100, Yashica T3, Konica 8 Zoom, Club Camera Amira 8F.
A pointer then indicates various parts of the camera: Photo Electric Cell, Lens, Winder, Footage indicator, release button, door catch, aperture lever, view finder, parallax adjuster, wrist strap, film speed indicator, cable release, tripod bush. Then follows instructions on how to open the door of a camera; how to spool up a film; how to load the camera; how to adjust filming speed and finally how to shoot a film but film goes to black at 8’58” and stops at 9’12”.
(LSA1488 (a))- LCC Brandon Estate (black and white; no sound)
Film opens with a sign saying Brandon Estate and camera pans up the estate to the top. It then looks down from one of the flats. On the ground children play on a dragon play frame. Children play tennis on the grass. One boy leaves the game and walks through the estate (nice piece of editing). Goes to black at 2’ 27”. Footage returns at 2’30” with footage of women walking through the estate. A woman and a child go to the library. A shot of the opening plaque: Brandon Library Opened by Lord Morrison of Lambeth 24th September 1960. A teenage boy goes in to the library. The librarian shows a Western book. Film ends.
118 (LSA 1488 (b)) - Sports Day 1962 (colour, no sound)
People prepare for the day by setting up tents. Children practice for the races. The races take place. Men sell raffle tickets with ‘Proceeds to Brandon Football Club’. Children get Smarties for winning. Slo-mo of some races. Men take the names of those who won. Older children have their races, including an egg and spoon race.
(LSA1488 (c)) -The Baby Show
Babies in their best outfits sit on their mothers’ knees waiting for the Baby Show to begin. Outside the winning babies are shown off to the camera.
(LSA1488 (d)) Cine Club Outing Stratford on Avon 1962
People get on bus but film ends.
(LSA1491) - Canvey 1972
Resumes with colour footage of shot looking down onto the Brandon Estate. Coaches are parked near the estate. Two teenagers stand by sign in the window, saying ‘Children’s Outing Sat 12th June Coaches Leave at 9.00’ [Difficult to see what else it says]. A man wheels over a trolley with boxes on it. Other men follow with boxes and bags. Mums and children walk to the coaches. The coaches set off. On the coach boys pose for the camera with apple cores in their mouths. Film ends or it could segue into the following film.
LSA1489 - Brandon Estate Cine Club Presents Return to Canvey Island or What Time’s Tea Jim?
Opens with everyone on the beach. Boys digging in the sand and smaller children filling their buckets up with water. Mums watch and eat apples. Children paddle and find crabs in rock pools. Children get changed under towels. Children eat candyfloss and ice creams. The grown-ups go to play bingo. Mums have a picnic and take the smaller children on rides. Older children go on tides such as Roller Coaster Ghost Rides. Shot of one of the cameramen. Ends at 13’ 07”
LSA1490 - Canvey for the Cup (colour) c 1967
A title says, ‘In which Canvey Island is invaded by 300 children and 80 adults from Brandon Estate’. ‘Recipe for an Outing – first take 400 apples” footage of apples being packed and then distributed on the bus. 150lbs of sweets – boxes of Halls barley sugar sweets. ‘Find 300 children’ – slo-mo of children playing on broken up rocks. ‘Label them well’ woman writing names on badges and then badge on a girl. ‘Pour into 10 coaches’ footage of kids getting into coaches. ‘Add first aid’ St John’s officer. ‘And helpers as needed’ – men in the pub. ‘Let travel for 2 hours’ footage of coaches making their way to Canvey Island. ‘Finally spread evenly all over Canvey Island’. Children get off the coach. ‘Topping up regularly with egg and chips cakes and ice cream’ Every9one at the restaurant. ‘Then relax and enjoy it’ Children enjoying rides, eg helter skelter. Men look at the arcade peep show. Footage of the beach and sea. More footage of children on rides. ‘The cost of this dish is £385 well spent’
Canvey 1972 (LSA1491, No.75))
Resumes with colour footage of shot looking down onto the Brandon Estate. Coaches are parked near the estate. Two teenagers stand by sign in the window, saying ‘Children’s Outing Sat 12th June Coaches Leave at 9.00’ [Difficult to see what else it says]. A man wheels over a trolley with boxes on it. Other men follow with boxes and bags. Mums and children walk to the coaches. The coaches set off. 01:55 Titles ‘Canvey 1972’. 02:18 bumper cars, fairground rides. 06:19 Richard Morgan eating toffee apple. 06:58 children go into sea, 07:08 pan L to LS black man looking out to sea and CU. 07:52 doughnut machine. 08:16 children on trampolines, 08:52 adults on trampolines. 09:44 goldfish. 10:00 bingo playing, 10:14 walking back to coaches with wares
Credits: Brian Waterman (Filmmaker); Richard Morgan (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Housing; residents; Fetes and fairground