It's Our Park: a film about Southwark Park in the Summer of 2014
DVD Colour Sound 2014 34:05

Summary: Leisurely celebration of Southwark Park, its history, regeneration and current users and staff.
Title number: 21128
LSA ID: LSA/27779
Description: In this film commissioned by Friends of Southwark Park, filmmaker Stewart Morgan takes us on a fascinating journey into the individual histories and experiences of those who use Southwark Park and its huge importance to the local community.
Opens with images of the park and users discussing how they value it.
(4:55) Images of parts of Bermondsey including Slipper Place Estate.
(6:10) Residents talk about how the park had been left to become destitute, unloved and unsafe.
(7:00) Residents talk about how they applied and got £3m in Lottery funding in 1999 to restore the park and set up the Friends of Southwark park, which is still very active.
(8:02) Staff talk about their roles and Greenkeeper talks about the sports played in the park.
(10:15) Bowls Club and members.
(14:15) Band playing on bandstand – shots of joggers, dog walkers, dancers etc.
(15:46) Café and café manager
(16:50) Archive clip of Southwark Park Lido in the late 60s. Residents reminisce about using it.
(19:01) Caryatides from Rotherhithe Town Hall – interviewee talks about campaign to return them to Bermondsey and site them in the park.
(20:10) Head Gardener talks about their gardens.
(22:19) Park Beekeeper shows honey and the hives in the park.
(24:09) Ice cream van and kids playground.
(23:35) Interviews with Boatkeepers on the lake and archive photos of boaters on the lake.
(28:45) Residents talk about how they have protected the park from development and encroachment.
(30:25) Park Attendant – locks the gates at the end of the day.
Credits: Pat Kingwell (Producer); HAJDUKino (Producer); Stewart Morgan (Director); Stewart Morgan (Editor); Stewart Morgan (Camera operator)
Cast: Interviews and archive material: Dave Ball; Sharon Bassey; Jocelyn Beaumont; Alizon Cleal; Monika Drozd; David Fisher; Gary Glover; Marjorie Hill; Pat Kingwell; Gary Magold; Lyn Murray; Lynne Olding; Andrea Pita; Jim Saunders; Brian Statham.
Further information: Commissioned by Friends of Southwark Park
Keywords: community; lake; Municipal parks; Bandstand
In galleries: Green Spaces
Locations: United kingdom; England; London; Southwark; Rotherhithe, Southwark Park