Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to the Opening of Nisbet House
16mm film Black & White Silent 30.03.1939 4:42

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Summary: King George VI and Queen Elizabeth officially open the Nisbet House estate of council housing.
Title number: 211
Description: Film of the official opening of Nisbet House, new six-storyed apartment blocks built as social housing by the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney. Crowds on Homerton High Street including many children wave small union flags in expectation of the royal visit, and the street itself is also decorated. A man walks amongst the crowds selling flags. The royal car arrives outside the estate and King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are greeted by the Mayor and other dignitaries. In the courtyard within the estate, residents leans from all the balconies and windows and wave flags. The royal party moves through the estate escorted by the Mayor and Hackney officials before leaving in a convoy of cars. The same scenes of the royal visit are then seen again from other points of view, this time much of the action is filmed from a window or balcony in Nisbet House and provides an elevated view. The visit is intercut with views around and about Nisbet House, including views of the estate gardens and a milkman delivering dairy products from a handcart.
Keywords: Housing; Housing Policy; Urban Planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney