Whitgift Founder's Day & Whitgift Middle School Cadets Corps Gymkhana 1935 & Church Parade at Merstham

9.5mm film Black & White Silent 1930s 7:11

From: an image from the collection
Croydon Archives
Subcollection: Peter Flook
Category: Amateur
Locations: Croydon
play video for Whitgift Founder's Day & Whitgift Middle School Cadets Corps Gymkhana 1935 & Church Parade at Merstham

Summary: Whitgift Cadets parade at Whitgift School Founder's Day and the Cadet Corps perform athletic feats at the 1935 gymkhana lastly followed by a Church Parade at Merstham

From: an image from the collection
Croydon Archives
Subcollection: Peter Flook
Category: Amateur
Locations: Croydon




