Work: Peter the Pom
16mm film Colour Mute 1966 4:10

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Summary: Peter the Pom at Work - Off Cuts
Title number: 21058
LSA ID: LSA/27639
Description: In Australia. Child walking along a log; shot of a woman then a man. View of out of plane window of BOAC airplane. Sign from a garden providing details of a Karri (presumably log child was walking on before). Man walking in a suit and briefcase from Terminal Motor Lodge. Driving along road to factory; shot of a bush with yellow flowers; car driving past a church. Road sign for Northam; countryside road. Cars driving through a town. More shots of cars driving on country roads. Views of countryside from top of hill. Gleneagle State Forest sign. Shots of body of water with road side floral designs. Large body of water; bridge. A Kookaburra. Memorial sign to a soldier. Close up of man[Peter Flook?] and then back to log from beginning of film. More shots of road and roadside floral displays.
Credits: Flook, Peter (Filmmaker)