Saturday Idyll, 1959
16mm film Colour Sound 1959 14:26

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Summary: A typical day for Oliver and Gertie eating and playing scrabble
Title number: 21054
LSA ID: LSA/27635
Description: Film commendation from Amateur Cine World at beginning of film before titles.
IT: In the village of MIsterton one Autumn day, Oliver rises as usual....
Clock strikes 12. Oliver coming out of front of house (farm house?) and goes into a large work space and yard full of wood. Looks at and adjusting chains on a trailer.
IT: Meanwhile Gertie rises later
Gertie getting ready combing hair and putting on lipstick in front of mirror. Gertie starts setting table. She realised she didn't have enough sugar and runs across the road to Skinners corner shop and returns home with supply of sugar. Cuts to shot of Oliver measuring a tree trunk already felled. Back to Gertie making tea over the open fire, toast with toast fork and and fries and egg and tomato. Goes outside and rings a gong to call Oliver who we see walking towards the house. They both sit down to eat. Oliver is eating a joint with mashed potatoes and gravy. Gertie is eating the fried egg etc. Gertie fips down the writing desk and starts a crossword while Oliver reads a newspaper and drops off. We see close up of Gertie completing the crossword. Fade out and the next scene sees both have changed into more comfortable clothing. They assemble a table and get out a scrabble board and tiles and proceed to play.
IT: The End
Credits: Peter Flook (Filmmaker)
Further information: Excellent colour
Keywords: Domestic life; Eating; Scrabble
Locations: UK; England; Nottinghamshire; Misterton
Maps: 53.4461833, -0.8522427