May Day
DVD Black & White Silent 1939 4:07

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Summary: 1939 Bermondsey Borough Council film of a Labour Demonstration and March from Bermondsey to Hyde Park.
Title number: 21050
LSA ID: LSA/27629
Description: May Day
dur. 04:07
Intertitles: Labour Demonstration to Hyde Park; Waiting to Move Off.
We see men, women and children standing around in the street waiting. The march sets off and we see demonstrators carrying banners. Floats follow. One float, which seems to be depicting some kind of scene, carries a banner which reads: 'PACTS WITH FASCISTS BOMBS FOR DEMOCRATS' and a smaller sign reading: 'UNITY PEACE DEMOCRACY SOCIAL ADVANCE'.
(00:58) Another float carries American and French flags and banner reading 'UNITED WORLD DEMOCRACY WILL ENSURE PEACE' and another smaller sign reading 'WAR'S TARGET' with the image of something caught in crosshairs. Women march holding the ends of lengths of ribbon attached to an open umbrella being carried by a man, and two men march with a banner that reads 'SOCIALISM OR SMASH'.
Another float passes with signs reading 'ORGANISED LABOUR SAYS- RESIST CONSCRIPTION'. Another float has the image of a set of scales tipped on one side with the words 'Co-operative trading' and 'WEIGHTED IN THE CUSTOMERS FAVOUR'. Next we see a Royal Arsenal van and another van with the words 'R.A.C. Pharmacy dept.'.
We see men marching with various banners and holding up their fists to the camera as a protest symbol. We then see a demo block of women marching, and a tram passes the camera.
(02:30) We then see a closer shot of the 'co-operative trading' float. We now see that the back reads 'CO-OPERATORS COMBINE FOR COLLECTIVE WELLBEING'. In the background, we see a double-decker bus with an advertisement for something called Whiteways.
There is a tableau stage float with a woman sitting in a destroyed house and a number of men dressed as fascist leaders from different countries. On the side of this float it reads 'YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED NO FASCISM FOR BRITAIN'. Another float carries a group of people sitting together and carries the words U.S.S.R. BRITAIN FRANCE USA' 'DEMOCRACY FRONTIER'.
(03:15) Intertitle: At the Park.
Herbert Morrison at Hyde Park gives a speech which we see intercut with shots of the crowd.
Intertitle": The End
Credits: Bermondsey Borough Council (Filmmaker)
Cast: Herbert Morrison
Keywords: Bermondsey; march; Labour; Protest; Politics; Demonstration