Merry Christmas 1957
16mm film Colour Sound 1956 5:33
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Summary: A family Christmas in Coulsdon, 1957 with music and amusing vignettes directed by the film maker. Outstanding interior shots in colour.
Title number: 21017
LSA ID: LSA/27581
Description: TC:
Beverley Productions Present
A Merry Christmas 1957
Christmas tree with lights and presents underneath. Christmas cards hanging on wall; wreath on bannister rail with dog poking nose through railing. Mrs Flook preparing and stuffing turkey on a bright red tabletop. She is wearing an apron. Turkey wrapped in grease proof paper and tied up with string and placing it in pan. Presenting turkey to camera and shows putting turkey in the oven. Candle decorations on table and cooked turkey being brought to Christmas table. Peter Floor carving the turkey. Older woman (granesdmother) eating Christmas meal, winks at camera and laughs. Older gentleman (grandfather?) eating Christmas meal followed by others, all sitting in same chair. Music playing in background. Christmas tree with presents being distributed and opened. Having fun looking at presents, playing with clothes brushes. Mrs Flook offers presents to camera. Novelty bank note tea towel; Ruff the dog. Close up of tea towel: I promise to do all the washing up one day. Another novelty tea towel with a poodle and Ruff the dog followed by Christmas kiss under the mistletoe.
The End
Mr Flook cutting the grass of their back garden, bright sunny day with Ruff the dog. Mrs Flook cutting the edges. Ruff the dog doing tricks.
Credits: Peter Flook (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Christmas; comedy; Coulsdon; Kitchen