16mm film Colour Silent 1958 7:17

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Summary: 1950s domestic scenes in Broxholme garden, with tea and croquet.
Title number: 21013
LSA ID: LSA/27577
Description: Street scene on a sunny day, with cars passing down street. Black car has dog leaning out of window. The driver signals out of the window that he is turning off the road. Shot of front of brick house and the house has the name 'Broxholme'. Man beeping the horn of the black car, arriving at 'Broxholme' house. Elderly couple open the gate to welcome them. Car is driven onto gravel area and parked in front of house. Car comes out of dog followed by woman, who embraces the elderly woman before kissing the elderly man. For the camera, the elderly woman does air kisses. Close up of dog barking and elderly man is playing with dog.
Elderly man starts lawnmower, wrapping cord around to start engine. Mowing large and well maintained/verdant garden. Elderly woman wheels tea trolley out and makes tea for all, while in the background the man is still mowing lawn. Claps hands to summon man over that tea is ready. Shots of the family drinking tea and then mowing the lawn. Women set up croquet before the game is captured in an extended sequence which is shot very well with close ups of shots and participants enjoying/reacting to game . Elderly man wins and is given a red flower which he puts onto his lapel.
Credits: Peter Flook (Filmmaker)
Keywords: garden; tea; croquet; mowing lawn; garden scenes; 1950s leisure