The young ladies take a bath (play)
16mm film Black & White Silent ? 3:58

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Summary: The young ladies take a bath (play)
Title number: 20987
LSA ID: LSA/27549
Description: TC "School" by Tom Robertson
IC The young ladies take a walk
A group of costumed young women walk across a stage past a single male figure.
IC Mr Krux proposes
A young man goes down on one knee to a woman and she turns away
IC The huntsmen are out...
Party of young men carrying guns walk across the stage
IC So is a bull...
IC "John Peel" to the rescue...
One girl is rescue by a young man with a gun.
IC Examinations
The girls sit down on a bench in front of a black board. One girl steps up with a piece of chalk and begins to write on the board.
IC "Ill met by moonlight"
A young couple meet up in a stage forest, she is hiding her head before they meet. A young man is watching [Mr Krux] from behind a tree.
IC Bella is banished for love...
The young girl is cast out of the school
IC But Bella was the beau's long lost grandchild
An older man asks about the girl.
IC But ... "The end crowns the work"
The girl is presented to the group
IC and "rainbow gold"
By E.Lingstrom and V.Finlay
Film, of a small string orchestra playing a choir sings on stage
IC At the end of the rainbow...
Girls dressed as pixies or fairies [leprecauns?] collect a pot of gold from the base of a tree
IC But humans find the gold
A group of people dressed as peasants collect te pot of gold and run of the stage.
IC "Babes in the wood"
A boy and a girl are at the base of a tree surrounded by woodland spirits
IC Held to Ransom...
The boy child is abducted by the spirits whilst the girl is left behind.
IC Elizabeth helps the gnomes
IC they drive out the thieves
IC THe gold restored- Dicky is returned
The boy is returned to the girl
IC "To each his own"