Domestic scenes of gardening at Clapham Lodge, Sutton
16mm film Black & White Silent 1946 8:20

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Summary: Domestic scenes of gardening at Clapham Lodge
Title number: 20981
LSA ID: LSA/27543
Description: Older man in the vegetable garden of Clapham Lodge. He is digging over the garden with a fork. Very dilapidated greenhouse, (brick foundations) and residential houses in the background. Different shots of man continuing to dig by vegetables including cabbages and leeks. Cut to a young boy standing by the side of the house, he does a jig for the camera. There is a shot of a friendly dog who goes for a walk in the garden and they play together. Older man continues to dig with a dog in the background. Street scene with two men and a woman walking along Station Road, Belmont, Surrey with the local Methodist Church on the their right on the corner of Kings Road. The woman is holding a small toy. there is a small shot of the horse sat on her shoulder. Close up of toy horse. Cut to two younger men walking towards the camera. They are smartly dressed. There are two men walking past in military uniform. They are still on the same road. Another man is walking towards the camera. Shot of a backdoor with a barred window next to the door. Shot of the garden with the greenhouse, Banstead Asylum tower in the background, now part of Highdown Prison. Shots of the garden looking out over the downs. Short sequence repeats multiple times.
Credits: Bawtree, Ivan (Filmmaker)
Further information: Shot by amateur filmmaker Ivan Bawtree, formerly a Corporal with a British Army Graves Registration Unit working as a photographer in France and Flanders, 1915-1920 during the First World War.
During the war, British soldier death counts were rising rapidly which inspired Sir Fabian Ware to set up the Graves Registration Commission in 1915, funded by the British Red Cross.
He acquired the services of three photographers, including 21-year-old Ivan Bawtree, to visit the cemeteries in British held areas of the Western Front to document the dead.
Keywords: Gardening; dog; post war
Locations: United kingdom; England; London; Sutton; Clapham Lodge