Opening events at Crystal Palace including men's pole vault and long distance
16mm film Colour Silent 1968 7:05

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Summary: Opening events at Crystal Palace including men's pole vault and long distance
Title number: 20979
LSA ID: LSA/27541
Description: Opening shot through grass as camera is on the floor. Next we have a man pole vaulting taken from the other side of the foam pit (the athlete is running towards the camera operator). Cut to group of men on running track for long distance race, filmed from beside the track. Next we see a pole vaulting athlete walking to the end of the running track to get ready before making his attempt, a second athlete tries as well but also fails. from a different angle we see a few attempts before one athlete clears the bar. Next is another running race with the men in lanes. We finish with more pole vaulting and the third athlete to try actually clears the bar
Keywords: Sports; Athletics; Sports Stadiums
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Bromley; Crystal Palace