Bawtree at South of France including Carnival de Nice 1927
16mm film Black & White Mute 1927 0:00

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Summary: Views of Nice in 1927 including shots of Carnival de Nice and surrounding countryside and portrait of local life.
Title number: 20974
LSA ID: LSA/27535
Description: Opening shot of deck of a ship, shot of Lifeboat, wake and waves. Cut to Carnival de Nice 1927 showing a carnival float with a frogs and possible Perrou-large articulated models-another float comprises of a castle, with people at the top of a tall tower. Another float features a number of different characters including animals, Scene of a short Pier with a distinctive dome like building. Shots of promenade with people in autumn/winder clothing-with many palm tress, with a balloon seller. Scenes of seaside tourist shops. A horse drinks out of a large drinking fountains. A row of market type stalls-a shop sign 'Peasant Shop'. A shot of a street seller. A small group of people around a street seller, a local man fills a can from a street pump. A tents is being errected in a street. Scenes of a church, local shops, a narrow street shows people milling around, Further shots of horse drinking from an ornate large drinking fountain. Scenes of three young children walking hand in hand outside tourist shop. Street scene of local woman carrying large clothing bundle on her head framed by fountain and archway. A woman and a young child play in the same area. Further shots of proprietor by shop, with a woman walking way from toursit shop.
Shot of a man in a country road followed by a large flock of sheep, Panorama of countryside, with donkey carrying large bails of hay. Group of farmers walking down country lane. Large stone building with concrete troughs show two women washing clothes. Further panorama of countryside with village on hillside, with terraced fields in the hillside. Shot of a harbour and yacht. Brief shot of market and beach looking back at seaside hotels, seagulls being fed. Sequence finishes on iron cross on countryside, Town scene features donkeys carrying load up hillside. Women on dirt track, carries two small children in her arms talks to man with donkeys. Shots of cats in narrow street, stone steps, views of town. An estuary with yachts in the foreshore. Stone build houses on cliffs and right to the waters edge. A large barrel is being loaded onto a large cart, pulled by two horses. A set of ornate steps with many people milling about, with ornate steps. Return to promenade with large white grand buildings, and vista of mountains in background. Possible street organ with circus scene, elephant and accordian player, Donkey on a mountain path with panorama of countryside-shot of ruined castle of hillside. Station of Tourrettes Sur Loup-in the South East of France. Scenes of a small steam train carrying a saloon carriage and other trucks. Shot of a gentleman climbing up a cliff path, with waterfalls. A couple sit on a small wall overlooking waterfall. People walk behind the waterfall and scenes of mountain pass and countryside. Closing scenes of people walking through sunlit archway and beach.
Credits: Ivan Bawtree (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Carnival floats; South of France; Tourism
Locations: Nice, France and surrounding countryside