Bawtree family dorset seaside holiday
16mm film Black & White Mute 1946 9:20

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Summary: Bawtree family on holiday in Dorset in post war 1940s including a visit to Corfe.
Title number: 20972
LSA ID: LSA/27533
Description: Seaside view of cliffs and crashing waves. Woman walking at base of cliffs, dressed in a white skirt, white hat, closed umbrella. Dramatic rock formations and caves. View out to sea with different woman holding camera. A man and a dog walk along the rocks, man is dressed in a suit with a white flat cap. Views of scenic cliffs and ocean-panning shots of caves. A man walking towards the camera formal dark suit with hat, carrying a case, with group of people behind, two people, in distance we can see hill and lighthouse. Woman with white hat at seaside. Switch to town with a parade, young people in costume, with banner, symbol-two Cs face each other in opposite directions with crest in the centre. Youths possibly medieval dress, carry sticks, followed by band at the back. Further scenes of village, looking up towards the hill to Corfe Castle Dorset, The Hope pub can be seen, looking across the roofs of houses, looking towards Corfe Castle. Pan across street, switch to harbour. A small steamer comes into view. Harbour surrounded by cliffs. Passenger steamer comes into view, passenger jetty is pushed out to boat, passengers disembark, formally dressed. Switch to two ladies, middle aged-possibly woman in white with older woman (mother-Mitilda) standing at edge of village by Harbour-small row boats can be seen, Images of dramatic cliffs, images show interesting geological rock formations. Woman in white hat walks down a path on the side of the hill, with rock formations and oceans. A young boy walks along side rock formations. Woman walks along beach towards harbour and steamer. Older woman sits by harbour, small boats can be seen. A car 'bluebell' open top tourists vehicle is seen, with women boarding the car. Switch to close up view of baby in pram at seaside, with parents(?) beach and promenade with people promenade. between them, including women in the white hat. Switch to beautiful thatched cottage on a sunny day. A women walks up the lane, towards another large cottage, Now back at seaside with pram and baby, women sit on steps. Two women walking on beach, holding parasol. A big house garden, women (white hat) admire the gardens. A chair spire is viewed in the background. Three women come out of house and walk down steps onto lawn of same garden. by a small wall. A man in a boat Captains Hat, talks to passengers on boat. Shot of cliffs and sea. Scenes of crashing waves at the side of the cliffs. Two women drink from stone trough. Switch back to scenes of crashing waves, caves at base of cliffs, swirling sea. Seagulls in the calmer sea by the harbour. Four people sit with harbour and cliffs in background. One man and three women, appear to be feeding the seagulls. Close ups of the members of the group-with pier in the background.
Credits: Bawtree, Ivan (Filmmaker)
Further information: Shot by amateur filmmaker Ivan Bawtree, formerly a Corporal with a British Army Graves Registration Unit working as a photographer in France and Flanders, 1915-1920 during the First World War.
During the war, British soldier death counts were rising rapidly which inspired Sir Fabian Ware to set up the Graves Registration Commission in 1915, funded by the British Red Cross.
He acquired the services of three photographers, including 21-year-old Ivan Bawtree, to visit the cemeteries in British held areas of the Western Front to document the dead.
Keywords: Holiday; beach
Locations: United Kingdom; Dorset; Corfe