Kaye compilation including Red Devils footage and holidays
Standard 8mm film Colour Silent 1981 16:00

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Summary: Kaye compilation including Red Devils footage and holidays
Title number: 20970
LSA ID: LSA/27530
Description: Street scene outside, traffic pops by. Man pops into back garden then second older man is standing by plants. Cut to car driving in woodland. Tony Kaye's wife stands by a lake then poses in a tree. She is wearing a dark coat and gloves suggesting a cold day. Brief shot of Tony. Road traffic shot from above on a bridge. Group playing around with camera effects as different members of the group pop into the shot. Parachutist lands on ground from a distance. CU of man in Red Devils uniform and helmet who has landed having a cigarette. Group get dressed in red jumpsuits and parachute on the ground. Aeroplane in red devils livery taxiing past. Cut to crowded office the group of people outside cutting a ribbon, sign says: Meet Fiona Richmond at the opening event. London parade outside through window. Couple on holiday. Beach sunbathers. Coach trip.
Back home in the garden looking down on woman sunbathing in the garden. Holiday on Norfolk Broads?
Credits: Kaye, Tony (Filmmaker)