Kaye compilation including holiday and speedboat
Standard 8mm film Colour Silent 1974 4:00

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Summary: Kaye compilation including holiday and speedboat
Title number: 20942
LSA ID: LSA/27500
Description: 2 young children playing in a plastic paddling pool in a back garden, drinking the water; shot from interior to exterior through a window showing back of some houses; cut to shot of child and man paddling in sea, sailing boat in background; pan of shorefront and man and child [young girl] paddling in water, followed by young boy with girl paddling in sea; long shot of beach with people and speed boat behind; shot of a larger boat passing the beech; family group sitting on the sand by the beech with child wrapped blanket; new shot of water with speed boat with Flash written on side [could be estuary] going out to sea; cut to back of houses and courtyard; point of view shots from a boat of shore and people on the boat; long shot of a boat coming in to the beech/people on beech; new shot of interior (very dark) which may be a sea lion display; shots from top of open top bus showing street and shops below; shots from same bus ? in the countryside and seaside; new shot of child paddling in the sea.
Credits: Kaye, Tony (Filmmaker)