London Landmarks 1956
16mm film Colour Silent 1956 0:00

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Summary: Tourist shots of London in 1956
Title number: 20918
LSA ID: LSA/27477
Description: Large scale construction site in central London. Shots of cranes, lorries, workmen. Cut to shots of railway terminus. Large steam train leaving station. Very brief shot of London street with shop sign "Boyd Cooper - Tailors". Cut to shot of Madonna and Child statue (by the British artist Jacob Epstein) in Dean's Mews, Marylebone. Shot of man and two women in winter coats. Shot of London city park / square. Shot of Parliament Square with a life-size bronze statue of Jan Smuts also by Jacob Epstein. Pan down to poppy wreaths. Shot of crowds lining street, mounted police man on white horse riding past. Cut to shot of lady in tartan skirt, standing in park. Cut to shot of ducks on lake. Shot of Grenadier Guards band marching up the Mall. Close up of sign stating "You are requested not to walk on the steps" followed by pan of the Victoria Memorial, opposite Buckingham Palace. Cut to shot of people including young children feeding the birds. Shot of two school boys, wearing caps, feeding birds in park. Shot of pelicans and other birds, on grass and lake. Shot of Horse Guards Parade ground on Whitehall side. Shots of Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) horse and marching along street lined with tourists. Tourists petting guard's horse. Cut to brief shot of fountains in Trafalgar Square.
Further information: At 45sec in to the film: Statue of Madonna and child Christ, by the British artist Jacob Epstein - referred to on this web site ALSO
ALSO at 1m 20secs in Statue A life-size bronze statue of Jan Smuts by the British artist Jacob Epstein stands on the north side of Parliament Square in London, United Kingdom, between a statue of Lord Palmerston and a statue of David Lloyd George. This statue was unveiled in November 1956 (the film is dated 1956.
Keywords: London tourist sites; statues
Locations: Central London
Maps: Unites Kingdom; London; City of Westminster