London, December 1955
16mm film Black & White Silent 1955 8:16

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Summary: London, 1955, featuring a market and street entertainers
Title number: 20916
LSA ID: LSA/27475
Description: The film opens with a view of a building site, a workman walking along a beam; new scene showing Piccadilly Circus at night with Coca Cola and Ever Ready Battery neon advertising. We then see a mounted policeman but street unknown; a shot of G B Kalee Ltd storefront on Mortimer Street, Soho. There are pedestrians walking down the street, cars and a woman with a dog. We then move to a dark scene with silhouettes of people seen through an archway. In a brighter scene we can see that it is a busy outdoor market with lights strung along the stalls which are selling fruit, veg and flowers. People in the market are wearing coats which indicates a cold day (winter?), late in the day (based on lights). The next scene shows a theatre (possibly the Prince Edward Theatre) showing Mrs Willie featuring the actress Yvonne Arnaud. Two vaudeville style street entertainers (both men) wearing spats and holding canes are dancing in the market near the theatre, entertaining market users. We move on to a railway station with two steam engines silhouetted (may be Paddington). Two rail workers are seen connecting carriages. A shot of steam across the film as a train departs the station. The filmmaker appears to be standing at the very end of a platform. Passengers wave from the carriage windows.
Credits: Bernard Collett Robertson (Filmmaker)
Keywords: markets; stream trains; entertainers
Locations: Soho; Westminster
Maps: United Kingdom; London; City of Westminster