Town Planning Conference: 23rd International Congress
16mm film Colour Silent 1956 23:00
Summary: Film from the 23rd International Congress, Housing & Town Planning Conference held in Vienna.
Title number: 209
Description: Documentation for the XXIII International Congress Housing & Town Planning, Vienna 1956 filmed as an informative title. A BEA international route map filmed to indicate the route from London to Vienna (out of focus). People boarding a passenger plane at an airport. View from the aeroplane window of the land below. A card reading '16,000 feet' - view of clouds from aeroplane window. Card '22,000 feet, 320 mph' - view of higher clouds. Close-up of route map showing Vienna. Shots from plane window as come into land at Vienna. Card 'Government buildings, town hall in the background'. Conference building (town hall). Flags of many nations outside building. Card 'Old Vienna with a coat of paint' - shots of white apartment buildings. Card 'The New Austria, 1918' - bust of Victor Adler. Card 'Karl Marx Hof erected 1927-1930' - building with writing on the side 'Wohnhausanlage errichtet von der gemeinde - Wien in den jahren 1927-1930', shot of seven storey block of apartments (Karl Marx-Hof), their balconies, the surrounding open space and streets. Sign on a building 'Errichtet von der gemeinde - Wien in der jahren 1932-1933', shots of a five storey apartment block. Card 'But never on the cut grass or gardens. Walls and railings taboo' - children playing around the blocks of housing and on a new construction site. Shots of a mixed housing development. Card 'Open Neighbourhood Planning' - shots of low rise housing development with broad tree-lined avenues, gardens and open spaces. Card 'Admiring eyes for our escort' - young boys surrounding a police motorcycle officer. Card 'Near the city centre the dwellings come to the back edge of pavements' - sign on building 'Wohnhaus anlage der gemeinde Wien Errichtet in den jahren 1952-1953', five storey apartment block on the street in densely inhabited urban area. Apartment balconies filmed from the street, sign on building 'Wohnhausanlage der gemeinde Wien Errichtet in den jahren 1954-1955'. A seven storey apartment block adjacent to the pavement and street. Card 'Vienna's water supply, construction of new reinforced concrete reservoirs south of Vienna at the foot of the Sommering Mountains'. Card 'Concrete weighbatching plant' - shots of plant and concrete manufacture. Construction shots of reservoirs, group of conference attendees walk across the floor of the dry reservoir. Card 'Inside roof awaiting completion' - more shots of reservoir. Card 'Typical workmen' - various shots of builder at work. Card 'On the roof' - conference attendees walking about on the reservoir roof. Card 'Lunch in the mountains' - a restaurant with an alpine view from its outdoor tables. Card 'Innsbruck higher income flats, private development' - ten storey apartment block, nine storey block with balconies, cloud-clad mountains behind. Card 'Linz industrial flats' - six storey flats with balconies. View of new eight storey block being built. New five storey apartment block. Card 'Linz Industrial flats. Point block. Note half landing treatment' - ten storey block of flats. Card 'Linz, in situ. Model of proposed redevelopment' - in a fenced off area, a large scale model of new apartment blocks in a mixed low and high rise development with colourful 'bauhaus' style patterning. Card 'Gansehaufel, comprehensive bathing and sunbathing resort for 30,000 persons'. Card 'Tuesday - wet-dull-empty, wave bath-cabins-beach' - various shots of wet weather stricken resort. Card 'Sunday - in full swing' - masses of people in bathing costumes. Card 'Apprentices' hostels. Sponsored and managed by the T.U.C. equivalent' - shots of four storey hostel buildings. Card 'Motifs and mosaics' various shots of building murals and sculptures. Card 'Heimstatten fur alte menschen, dwellings for the elderly' - Sign on building 'Wohnhausanlage der gemeinde Wien Errichtet in den jahren 1952-1955 Steinitz-Hof', shots of bungalows with elderly people sat outside. Card '100,00th dwelling completed since 1918 in this scheme' - various shots of estate of housing blocks. Card 'Into the future. Hochhaus (point block)'. Card 'Basement - Laundry. Stores, Lift well; Ground floor - shops; 18 storeys - dwellings - six per floor; Top - restaurant, Tanks, Lift gear' - high rise housing block under construction and covered with scaffolding. View from top of block to ground far below, streets and lower rise blocks, then view over the city. Card 'Delegates Ald. W.R. Masters, G.L.A. Downing' - the two men in the Alpine restaurant. Cards: 'Thank you for sending us', 'and goodbye Vienna', 'The End'.
Cast: W.R. Masters, George L.A. Downing
Keywords: Housing; Housing policy; Urban planning; Travel abroad
Locations: Austria; Vienna state; Vienna; Innsbruck; Linz