People's Armada 1985
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1985 0:00

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Summary: Supported by the Greater London Council, local residents and activists from the Docklands head to the Houses of Parliament to demand affordable housing.
Title number: 20808
LSA ID: LSA/27367
Description: A flotilla of boats carrying local community groups, activists and residents of all ages makes its way down the Thames, from the Docklands to Westminster, to petition the government and demand to have a say about their future. Instead of providing affordable housing and infrastructure for their current residents - which include young working class families and the elderly - vast areas of the Docklands are being used by the London Docklands Development Corporation for the construction of expensive new flats and offices. This community video captures vox pops, interviews and performances as the residents get together to make their voice heard and demand that the central government ensures the needs of the local people take priority. The People’s Armada procession was funded by the Greater London Council.
Keywords: activism; docklands; housing shortages