IEE Faraday Lecture 1977/78: Let There Be Light (Part One)
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1977-78 50:24

Summary: The General Electric Company delivers this Faraday Lecture, exploring relationships between electricity and light, and the breadth of their application.
Title number: 20765
LSA ID: LSA/27324
Description: Lecturers are Howard Losty, Managing Director of GEC Electronic Devices Ltd; Steven Cundy, Head of Optical Communications and Lamps Division, GEC Hirst Research Centre and Robert Clayton, Technical Director GEC Ltd (part 2).
Colour film opening with a short history of electricity and light generation. There is a short demonstration of light generation using apparatus of rotating coils between poles of a magnet with the generated current lighting the lamp.
Topics in this lecture include: the use of electricity and electrical devices for:
Producing light
Detecting light
Communicating with light
There are also detailed explanations covering light's properties including brightness, colour, speed, straight lines and wave motion.
Perception of light- explanation of how we see including a large scale model of a human eye to demonstrate this.
Artificial light sources with a description of filament bulbs, including a scene from a filament bulb production line in a factory and a description of phosphor coated lamps.
Light fittings and design- with detailed descriptions on how lamps are designed to fulfill their specific purpose.
Using light to produce an electric current with a discussion on photoelectric effects. There is also mention of solar energy and the shortcomings of this in the 1970s.
Finally it ends with a detailed explanation on electronic television camera tubes and transistors known as Large Scale Integrated Circuits.
Throughout there are demonstrations using easy to follow graphics and large scale models.
Credits: Losty, Howard H.W. (Presenter); Cundy, Steven L. (Presenter); Clayton, Robert J. (Presenter)
Further information: There are several files relating to this lecture in the IET Archives. These include papers used by Clayton, synopsis of lecture, list of demonstrations, notes on slides, list of demonstration items, transcript of lecture and notes made after one presentation of the lecture. There is also associated ephemera including invitation cards, sticker and poster for the 1977-8 Faraday Lectures plus a collection of press cutting referring to Clayton's Faraday Lecture, from the national and regional press.
There are several copies of this lecture as a VHS and Umatic.
Please see the IET Archives for more information
Keywords: electricity; light; colour