IEE Faraday Lecture 1978/79: The Diagnostic Electron
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1978-1979 87:48

Summary: EMI Group vice-chairman Dr John Powell delivers the 50th annual Faraday lecture, on contributions of electronics to medicine, particularly in diagnosis.
Title number: 20742
LSA ID: LSA/27301
Description: An IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) film made in collaboration with EMI. The lecture was delivered in 15 [IEE] Centres in the UK between November 1978 and May 1979 by the following EMI lecturers:
Dr John Powell, Mr William Ingham, Dr Derek Pringle, Mr Solly Laredo, Mr Anthony Strong, Dr Brian Pingree. Lecture written and directed for EMI by Eric Beecroft.
Colour film. Duration 58:53 there is blank footage for 28:50.
The lecture follows the technology that has aided the shift from curative medicine to preventative.
The opening sequence is of the marble foyer in Savoy Place, London, showing the statue of Michael Faraday. The lecture takes place inside the IEE Lecture Theatre.
Lecture presented by Dr John Powell, Vice Chairman EMI Group.
The film opens with a brief historical introduction to the pre electronic age in medicine and its limitations in diagnosis. The discovery of X rays was the first application for the diagnostic electron.
The use of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum are examined. Beginning with:
1. Infrared waves
2. Gamma rays including the Cyclotron and Gamma Ray camera.
3. Soundwaves e.g. ultrasound
4. X rays
5. CT scanning includes short video interview with Dr Ivan Mosely form The National Hospital London explaining how a CT scanner works.
Ends with a summary of a new diagnostic technique with radio waves with magnetic fields known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and showing a picture of the world's first picture of a human brain using this new technique.
Throughout the detailed explanations of each topic above the lecture is supported by graphic illustrations, large scale interactive models and video footage of medical examinations demonstrating the machinery and techniques discussed. For example a thermogram examination, foetal ultrasound, CT scan and radiation therapy to target tumours.
Credits: Powell, Dr John (Presenter); Woodley, Colin (Producer); Beecroft, Eric (Script)
Further information: VHS and Umatic copies available.
Within the IET Archives collections there are several items relating to this film.
The Diagnostic Electron' Script of 1978 Faraday Lecture (reference NAEST 133/6/5); files on planning and correspondence, finance and stationery, the London presentation and press records (ref. IET/LEC/01/06). To consult these items please contact the IET Archives
Keywords: Medicine; Technology; Science; Xrays; diagnostics