IEE Faraday Lecture 1986/87: The Opportunity of a Lifetime
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1986-1987 48:59

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Summary: Mike Watson of International Computers Ltd, presents a programme aimed at enticing young people to work with information technology.
Title number: 20740
LSA ID: LSA/27299
Description: This hi-tech version of the annual Faraday lecture opens with the line: "This is a programme about the future". Mike Watson, technical director of International Computers, takes viewers through the history of information technology and its role in the future of the country and the lives of his young audience, offering "the opportunity of a lifetime" for those young people to work in the rapidly developing information technology field.
This forward-looking presentation equates success with our ability to effectively adopt information technology, comparing the work of Michael Faraday and the dynamo with the modern day equivalent - the computer. The programme provides an insight into a world on the cusp of a technology revolution, while simultaneously demonstrating how much social revolution is still to come, with Watson using 'man' to denote both species and gender in all his examples.
Credits: Watson, Mike (Presenter); Redhead, Brian (Script)