IEE Faraday Lecture 1983/84: Let's Build a Satellite
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1983-1984 69:49

Summary: In the 55th annual Faraday Lecture, British Aerospace engineers construct a satellite on stage to demonstrate their use in telecommunications.
Title number: 20727
LSA ID: LSA/27286
Description: A colour film detailing the mechanics behind the creation and maintenance of space satellites. The lecture takes place in front of a live audience with animated graphics, video footage and the building of a model of a life-size satellite. The model is used to demonstrate how a satellite works and uses electricity in space. The lecture was delivered in 15 major towns and cities in the United Kingdom, to an estimated audience of 70,000 people.
The opening scene describes the preparation involved in setting up a stage show of this scale. It was 2 years in the making with footage of behind the scene work, stagecraft, drawing, mode- making to when the audience arrives.
The introduction covers the Institution of Electrical Engineers, their Faraday Lecture series and a brief overview of Michael Faraday's work.
The lecturers for this recording were Anthony Giles and Allison Cross from British Aerospace. Other lecturers on the tour include:
Karen Burt, Sally Richardson, Mark Williamson, Roger Franzen and Geoff Tomlinson.
Subjects covered in the film:
Space - what is it, radio waves in space, a brief telecoms timeline from 1837. Key dates include the launch of Sputnik in 1957 with video footage and the Early Bird Stationary Satellite from 1965 with video footage.
The live demonstration of building a model satellite includes an explanation of gravity, weightlessness and orbits, rotational speed, geostationary orbit. whilst building the model there is detailed explanation about the materials used, the power supply required and how it signals and broadcasts. The lecture ends with a mention of future satellites and what they can do.
Credits: Giles, Anthony (Presenter); Cross, Allison (Presenter); Maldwyn, John (Narrator); Blonstein, Larry (Script)
Further information: The IET Archives holds records relating to this film including versions on VHS and Umatic tapes. The archival records include a lecture script (reference IET/LEC/01/10/01) and a first draft of the script dated 13 September 1982 (reference IET/SPE/03/10/04/07). These are available to consult by contacting the IET Archives or for more information visit our website
Keywords: Engineering; Telecommunications; aerospace; satellite