This is London
Super 8mm film Colour Sound 1980 11:00

Summary: A wonderful travelogue from Pauline Harrison that starts with a tourists view of London, the sights and sounds of the big city, before moving into much more interesting and generally unseen London.
Title number: 20595
LSA ID: LSA/27153
Description: The film captures Londoners going about their everyday life. The commentary from the filmmaker brings the footage together and talks of how London has changed and how the experience of returning to London as a tourist is very different from working life. The filmmaker visits Portobello Road with the bustling scenes of thriving market stalls and traders. A street entertainer performs to the crowd. Details in the area show us some of the variety of goods for sale on the stalls and we see diverse and interesting shots of people shopping in the market. Finally we move onto Speakers Corner and are treated to very animated discussions amongst the watching crowd. The travelogue film moves onto to more recognisable sights around London: we see the Grapes Pub in Shepherds Market, footage of Mayfair before we move onto Hyde Park. We are treated to displays of art by the Bayswater entrance. One of the artists is interviewed and explains his work in a piece to camera. Section from This is London.
Credits: Harrison, Pauline (Filmmaker)
Keywords: London tour
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminster; Green Park, Soho, Westminster, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom; England; London; Kensington Gardens; Portobello Market, Speakers' Corner