Script Night
16mm film Black & White Sound 1958 15:14

Summary: Amateur films shot in Kingston that are threaded together using the conceit of a cine club's script night - from pitch to production we see the club at work.
Title number: 20582
LSA ID: LSA/27140
Description: This collection of three short films is wrapped around the premise of a Script Night meeting for the members of Kingston & District Cine Club. The addition of music helps to lift the tone. The first story is a cautionary tale about a theft from a Doctor's car and a young child, the second a tale of mistaken location for three airmen during the war, whilst the last is a curious tale of a family trip to the seaside that appears to have been in the shadow of Tower Bridge all along.
The three seperate stories are combined into one film by a self nominated club member, who was drinking throughout the meeting and whose technical skills leave something to be desired!
Keywords: Drama; amateur; comedy