Welcome to Citizenship
16mm film Colour Sound 1963 27:00

Summary: Young people who turn 21 are invited to the town Hall to find out what services are provided by the local government.
Title number: 20571
LSA ID: LSA/27129
Description: A man printing a stack of invitation, inviting 21 year olds to the town hall, a young man receives the invitation. People arrive at the town hall, are greeted by officials. They go on a tour of the building and get a chance to ask questions about local government services.
A couple getting married at a register office, friends and family in attendance. They pose of photographs outsides, guest throw confetti. VO explains the service of the register office
Engineers looking at a model of a block of flats. Various shots of construction - diggers, cement mixer, bricklayers, roofers. New houses being plumbed, wired and decorated. Public housing inspector viewing an old house, which is found not to be suitable. Shots of houses being demolished and cleared. VO explains how the local government create new housing and dispose of the old.
Drainage workers, road sweepers, refuse collectors. Rubbish being sorted and incinerated. VO explains how these services are provided to the community.
Shoppers walking down an high street and buying food. Public health inspectors viewing food production, meat. Working of a bread factory. Food on display in a supermarket. VO explains how food is kept safe for consumption.
A couple sit relaxing by the fire, the man puts on more coal. Smoke coming from a chimney. A health worker using an air pollution meter. People having health treatments - blood test, x-ray, inoculation. Shot of a health clinic where a mother is collecting health supplies for the baby. She pushes the pram down a street as an ambulance goes past. VO describes the health services offered by the local authority.
The mother and child sit down on a bench in a public park. Flowers in green houses being watered and the planted out. VO points out the benefit of open public spaces.
Keywords: Public health; town hall