Spurs Return
16mm film Black & White Sound 1963 2:00

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Summary: Tottenham Hotspurs drive through London streets in an open top bus after winning the European Cup Winners Cup.
Title number: 20568
LSA ID: LSA/27126
Description: Open top bus carrying Spurs football team drives slowing through crowded streets. Various shots of the crowds, police horses. Front view of the bus and marching band in front. People cheering from balconies. Close up view of the player on top of the bus. Various shots of crowds and streets. Shot on top of the bus pans from left to right, players holding the cup.
Handmade sign on the front of the bus reads 'Tottenham Hotspurs F.C. European Cup Winners Cup WINNERS 1963'
Keywords: football; competitive sports; Football Players; European cup winners