Queen Mother's Visit to Latymer School 1966 (Print)
16mm film Black & White Silent 1966 6:37

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Summary: Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother visit to Latymer to open the new building.
Title number: 20551
LSA ID: LSA/27109
Description: Exterior, royal car arriving. Children waving flags Queen Mother (QM) arrives and chats to dignitaries and staff. QM appears to have previously opened the original extensions in 1928 (as noted by a shot of the original plaque. QM enters big hall , walks past pupils to stage. (silent) speeches. Pupils applaud. More speeches. QM unveils plaque. "These Extensions were opened by Her Majesty Queens Elizabeth the Queen Mother 10th November 1966". QM tours the school classrooms, workshop, domestic science, woodwork, art room., gymnasium. QM bids farewell , re-enters car. Car departs.
Cast: Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
Keywords: Royalty; Latymer School
Locations: Latymer School Edmonton London N9 9TN