Halliwick Girls's School AKA Halliwick Outing
16mm film Black & White Mute 1946 12:00
Summary: Halliwick Outing
Title number: 20394
LSA ID: LSA/27035
Description: Inter-title 'Halliwick our local home for crippled girls' followed by Rotary symbol with the US and UK flag. Exterior scenes of school. Inter-title 'Daily exercise in the grounds', following inter-title 'the morning service' - girls sitting in a classroom, inter-title 'lesson time' scenes of writing in class, inter-title 'in the treatment room' - girls undergo physiotherapy session. Inter-title 'The Rotary uncles gave the children a day by the sea on July 4th, 1946.' Next inter-title 'The great day arrives.' Girls seen getting out of bed, then getting into cars. Driving in the country, a car is seen. Having dinner in what looks like a tent. On a pebbled beach, smiling, there are wave breakers. Girl being carried by man, other similar scenes. Seaside shots again, girl in a wheelchair eating ice cream. Eating lunch, posing for photos in uniforms, with crutches, no sea in view. Girls running down the road, pushing a girl in a wheelchair. Walking along the coast, getting back into cars. Inter-title 'The end of a perfect day' girls seen in bed, hand on a light switch, fade to black 'the end.'