Audrey & Paul Engagement 1966 , Wedding '67
Standard 8mm film Colour Mute 1966-1967 12:00

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Summary: Wonderful engagement party with a family buffet and fabulous wedding, with wedding reception.
Title number: 20380
LSA ID: LSA/26880
Description: Under-exposed family scene at buffet, smartly dressed, eating cake, kissing, dancing etc…Exterior shot of bride leaving house getting into car, raining. Exterior shot after wedding ceremony, posing for photos, groom in naval uniform, bridesmaids, bride talks to children. Wedding reception, large scale and lavish. Impressive cake! Speeches followed by dancing in couples, country dancing? Includes two elderly ladies. Fabulous sixties hairstyles dancing and drinking at the end.
Credits: Terry Kingham (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Navy; Wedding; wedding cake; wedding dress