Oh to Be in England

ProRes digital file Colour Silent 1947 13:27

From: an image from the collection
BFI National Archive
Subcollection: BFI (UFH)
Locations: Harrow
play video for Oh to Be in England

Summary: One for those with green fingers, this film attempts to demonstrate that an English spring can be every bit as beautiful in the town as it is in the country. It starts with scenes of a snowy Harrow and sledging outside post-war prefabs, before we get extended luxurious shots of flowers, fields and gardens in the spring. It’s wonderfully English – never more so than the wisteria clinging to the front of a mock Tudor semi – and also shows some of the local landmarks and churches. [BFI Player]

From: an image from the collection
BFI National Archive
Subcollection: BFI (UFH)
Locations: Harrow




