Pinner Week 1970
Standard 8mm film Colour Sound 1970 20:34

Summary: Pinner Week 1970
Title number: 20126
LSA ID: LSA/26600
Description: TC: Pinner Week 1970
Opening shots of Pinner High Street with three young girls walking about Pinner. Close up of a book entitled "Panorama of Pinner Village" on a woman's lap. She opens the book and there are old images of Pinner then actual images of Pinner High Street. Shops and long shot of the High Street. Pedestrians looking a shop window. Shot of Tudor shop selling antiques; shot of a Georgian building E E Beaumont and Son, Motor Body Repairs (est 1736). Shots of people walking up and down the High Street. Close up of a sign on a shop "site of Ye Olde Village Bakery, est 1480". Shot of some dwelling houses then a shot of the other side of the High Street with Tudor buildings. Still on the High Street with view of mock Tudor buildings.
Shots of Moss Lane including old white clapper board house.
Shots of Waxwell Lane sign, old white timber framed buildings.
Shot of Tookes Folly at Pinner Hill Farm. Group of people feeding ducks in West House pond (Pinner Memorial Park) and looking at budgerigar enclosure; close-up of budgies. Long shot looking across the park to the old memorial hall with Pinner parish church tower in the distance. View of boys playing football in the park. Shot of children on a sea-saw and swings in park and two boys drinking from a water fountain. Close ups of flowers and a pond.
Shot of a woodland scene with stone steps and man walking through the woods.
Sign post indicating Pinner village and shot of the exterior of St Luke's Catholic Church on Love Lane. Cut to a sign outside Pinner Methodist Church (Love Lane). A sign outside the church advertising a Harvest Festival Service with a long shot of the church. A view of Pinner United Free Church on Paines Lane including spire. Shots in Cecil Park of a chapel; next shot of the First Church of Christ Science on Elm Park Road. Shot of Pinner police station. Shot
of the Oddfellows Arms Pub on Waxwell Lane. Shot of Village Sign and looking down Bridge Street. A shot of the exterior of the George Pub on Marsh Road. Outside the Queen's Head on the High Street.
Shot taken from a car driving up the High Street in the rain. Shots of men scrubbing the pavement (in the rain) of the High Street. Close up of someone scrubbing the asphalt with a toothbrush.
Shot of the Town Crier and people dressed up in togas. View of local cinema with sign outside "Slave Auction, Pinner Slave Market" with people dressed as Roman gentry. A young girl shackled to a man wearing a kilt going up to the slave auction. Romans walking down the street dragging a ball and chain.
Long shot of Pinner Parish Church. A shot of people watching something and then a closeup of a boy in clown makeup. A mid-shot of a little girl with sign that says "Tastes too powerful for me". Zoom out to show other children in a fancy dress parade. Shot of Bob Holness judging the fancy dress parade.
Another shot of the church followed by a brass band playing in the High Street. A dignitary giving a speech and presentations being made. Shot of a flower bed at the top of the High Street and flowers being presented to woman. Balloons being released with notes attached. Cut to a shot of a High Street cake shop with children standing outside eating ring doughnuts. Shot of Molly Weir in the High Street crowd.
Cut away to policeman with hands on hips then clock on the Pinner church tower. A crowd of people walking to a field where there is a local dog show.
Close up of Cornerways restaurant with people outside the restaurant being served spaghetti which they are eating with their hands (eating competition).
Shot of the Pinner Horticultural Society Flower Show sign and shots of flowers. Cut back to park with stone steps.
Finally closing the Panorama Books of Pinner with The End on the back cover.
Keywords: Churches; Public houses; dog show; Flower Show; Fund raising; eating competitions