A Good Show
16mm film Black & White Mute 1950s 9:30
Summary: A quirky amateur film about the perils of owning a television set with a twist at the end!
Title number: 20123
LSA ID: LSA/26597
Description: The film begins with a comfortable domestic scene, a husband and wife on a sofa, cat and slippers warming on the hearth. He turns on the television set which soon goes wrong much to the dismay of the couple. The husband attempts to retune the set and then gives it a thump on the side to a resigned sigh from his wife. He goes outside as she returns to her knitting. The man goes next door to "H.Bloggs Radio & Television Repairs" . Mr Bloggs tries to repair it but gives himself a shock in the process. He hands the couple tickets to a Pinner Film Show. When they arrive at the show they are shocked to see themselves in the opening of the film. They are further surprised when they see Mr Bloggs sat on their sofa helping himself to their scotch and cigars!
Cast: David Mason, Joan Scales
Keywords: comedy; Film show; domestic home life
Locations: United Kingdom; England: London: Harrow: Stanmore