Super 8mm film Colour Sound 1983-1993 4:00

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Summary: Two men and a woman play scrabble. The women pours the men a drink from a thermos.
Title number: 20119
LSA ID: LSA/26593
Description: The film begins with the opening credits 'Pinner Cine Society present Spellbound.' Three people (two men and one woman) sit at a table, they may be a family. The woman appears to be reading and the two men are playing scrabble. This is followed by a close-up of the two men playing scrabble, with a scene of just the board with the word 'prev', a 'u' is added to form 'up' along, and 'prev' down. The woman, who is wearing a red top is judging and has a dictionary on the table. One of the men plays, 'quite', the woman is judging and there are many challenges between the woman and older man. The words that are played are 'quiet' 'prevent' 'fetch' and 'thorn'. The woman looks at her watch, it says 10:30.This is followed by lots of challenges and facial expressions. A flask appears and the game ends, it appears the older man (perhaps the Dad?) wins or beats the younger man (his son?) by default.
Credits: Peter Kittel (Filmmaker); Dick Stoddart (Sound); Lillian Barrett; Harold Legs (Camera operator)
Cast: 'Millicent' - Anastasia Twinn
'Norman' - Brian Twinn
'John' - Paul Kittel
Further information: Written by Peter Kittel
Keywords: Scrabble