16mm film Colour Silent 1959 20:00

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Summary: Amateur comedy film about the wedding day of a young over enthusiastic cinematographer
Title number: 20104
LSA ID: LSA/26574
Description: Comedy film, opens with a young couple on a sofa, they kiss and embrace. An older man is looking through the keyhole, he is interrupted by his wife. They burst into the room and the young woman shows off her engagement ring. The older man congratulates the young man and pours himself a drink. The young man looks confused.
Young man walks to block of flats, collects a paper from a newsboy. C/U doorbell. Young man goes into flat. He meets another man and they look at the announcement of their wedding on December 5, 1959 admire a calendar with cartoon glamour images. The calendar is dated 1959. They point at the upcoming wedding date. He passes him the wrapped ring - presumably asking him to be his best man.The couple are sat on a sofa comparing catalogues, she is looking at furniture, he is looking at a camera. He pushes her hand out of the way to stop her obscuring his magazine. Best man has the ring in front of a photo of the bride to be.
Bride to be and her mother are looking in furniture shop windows - whilst the husband to be is off buying a new camera. He writes a cheque. Back to the women in the furniture shop. The husband is looking for furniture at a cheap second hand salesroom in Watford. He checks out some of the furniture and then meets an older man outside (the father?), shakes his hand, and shows him his new camera inside his briefcase. Another scene of the bride and mother continuing to shop is intercut. At home, the two men continue looking at the camera, and the older man gets up to show the young man a book about cameras. C/U book open on page about magnetic sound. They get up and go out to the garage where there the older man shows the groom to be how to work a projector that is kept there. Meanwhile, the two women are depicted measuring windows in a house with a 'sold' banner on the front window. They look out the window and see a car pull up with an old table tied to the top of it. The groom to be gets out of the car. The women watch as the man unties some more of the furniture from the back of the car and he waves up at them.
Intertitle: 'Wedding day. Father and Groom arrive early.' Shot of church and busy street. Father is dressed in his suit and gets out of the car, carrying some equipment in a box and a bag with him. He leaves the box on the street to the rear of the car. The groom arrives and parks behind the other car. He also takes some equipment out of his car. Inside the church, the father is seen pulling some wiring or rope out of a small box by a bench. Meanwhile the groom is taking a lot of additional equipment out of his car and onto the street (sign reads Swakeleys Road). The father arrives out to help him. They carry a large projector out of the boot and start testing it outside the church, the father using headphones. Meanwhile a young well dressed boy peers around a corner to watch them. The groom returns to the car to collect another box of equipment and goes back to the projector to connect an additional cable from inside to it. Out on the street, the groom, now wearing a hat, sets up a tripod and camera. Another car arrives, and the mother gets out. She nods at the groom behind the camera and enters the churchyard, C/U of her looking surprised at seeing the projector. Out on the street people have begun to gather, including the best man from earlier who waits or women in dresses (bridesmaids?) to arrive, before walking into the churchyard with them. All the while the groom continues shooting with his camera. Following a wider shot of the church from the street, we see the bride in the back of a car before she is led out by her father. Bouquet in hand, they walk on while spectators watch. The vicar arrives on his bike. The groom is filming the arrival of the bride and her father. The bridesmaids are standing in from of the church. Vicar greets the Bride but interrupts the shot and the groom isn't happy. He wants her to do it again. The groom and father-in law rush to equipment and get busy. Meanwhile the bride looks unimpressed. The best man approaches the bride and they exchange a look. The father in law rushes over and takes the bride's arm. They go into the church followed by the bridesmaids, collecting hymn books on the way. All while being filmed by the groom. The vicar retrieves his robe from a wardrobe. Outside the groom is having trouble with the power to the equipment. the father in law is helping. they trace the cable back to the fuse box in the church and move plugs around. It doesn't work at first. They leave looking despondent until the groom has an idea and rushes back to put a coin in the meter. Meanwhile the bride leaves the church on the arm of the best man. The groom looks on in surprise. The mother of the bride berates the groom whilst the father looks on sheepishly. The best man and bride leave in the wedding car amidst showers of confetti. The bride looks unhappy until the best man reveals an engagement ring that he puts on her finger and they kiss. Back home the groom dumps her photo in the bin - replacing her picture with a title card that reads "the end"
Credits: Middleton, Kay (Script); English, Ron (Camera operator); Lermit, Tony (Camera operator); Aldred, John (Editor); Middleton, Arthur (Director)
Cast: Maureen Logan; Ken Mills, Roy Barratt, Peggy Farquharson, Jim Smith,
Keywords: Drama; cine camera; Wedding