Sponge Mix
Standard 8mm film Colour Sound 1956 11:00

Summary: A short comedy film about a housewife, who when expecting a house call from the Vicar puts gin into the sponge cake.
Title number: 20097
LSA ID: LSA/26559
Description: The Ladies of the Pinner Cine Society presents Sponge Mix
A woman returns home to find a note from the local vicar, which tells her that he will be calling in the afternoon. She goes to the larder and fishes out a packet of Sponge mix and proceeds to make a sponge cake as two neighbours rush round with a telegram which says ‘congratulations share first div stop £7,525 stop cheque soon stop’. With her neighbours the woman proceeds to drink gin, before pouring the rest in to the sponge mix. Later the vicar arrives at the house and eats the entire sponge cake, before falling off his bike drunk.
Cast: Dorothy Titkin, Vera Aldred, René Creek, Jack Creek
Further information: Grateful acknowledgements to Mr & Mrs Creek
Keywords: amateur; comedy; women filmmaking; film club; baking
Locations: Pinner