Newsreel 1974
Standard 8mm film Colour Sound 1974 13:02

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Summary: Scrapbook 1974
Title number: 20092
LSA ID: LSA/26550
Description: Harrow Driving Centre. Old Lyonian Fair - Henry Cooper there. Election 1974- portable polling station. Harrow Show.
I/T Harrow Driving Centre-Logo, Publicity Leaflet 'Come driving with us you'll be out of Harms way'. (Location likely to be Rayners Lane). Shot of centre with road layouts. Internal shots of driving centre and classroom, with demonstration car in classroom. Scenes of driving simulation, and shots of cars driving around the centre.
Sign Old Lyonian Fair Pinner view Harrow Saturday May 18th 1974. Henry Cooper. Shots of playing fields, tents, Crowds, Henry Cooper meeting people and signing books and autographs. Various Fair scenes-coconut stalls and activities.
I/T Election 1974 Shot of Labour and conservative candidate leaflets-block of four portable polling stations on a Garage forecourt, voters going in and out of polling stations on a busy road-dual carriageway.
Poster Harrow show Headstone Manor. Shots of stalls at the Harrow show-Gentleman makes a speech-Tithe Barn featured with moat and Bridge. Morris and Country Dancing, Military Band, Territorial Army undertaking a exercise where a jeep is dismantled and put back together, sword dancing, and a photo opportunity with a Womble-Harrow Observer. Children on space hoppers, faircrowd rides. Film ends with a small boy picking up litter.
Cast: Henry Cooper