Scrapbook 1982
Super 8mm film Colour Sound 1982 16:33

Summary: 1. Pinner Fair
2. Best Garden
3. Princess Di Wedding (Harrow's empty Streets)
4. Folk Dancing in Pinner,
5. Snow-Dec 1981-Jan 1982
6. School demolished
7. Harrow Arts Centre (Open Day)
8. Hops From Beer
9. Pottery from Perivale
10. Hall's Farm.
Title number: 20085
LSA ID: LSA/26535
Description: Pinner Fair: Shot looking down Bridge Street, Pinner as the fair is being set up. Shot of the Queen's Head public house; shots of the fair itself which takes over the High Street, Bridge Street and part of Marsh Street. Shots of the crowds including a long shot of the fair taken from someone sitting on the big wheel.
Best Garden: Shots of pink flowers on a tree; close up of roses and other flowers in a private garden. Owners of winning garden are being interviewed.
Princess Di wedding: shots of the newspaper headlines leading up to the wedding. Shots of a street party being set up. Shot of home interior with children watching TV. Shots of St Anne's Road, Harrow, cut back to people watching TV and shot of TV screen with Princess Di and Prince Charles walking down the aisle.
An estimated 750 million people were glued to the telly to watch Lady Diana and Prince Charles tie the knot in 1981 and the residents of Harrow were no exception. Aside from the occasional street party, the streets are empty and shops closed as this film portrays an alternative perspective of the celebration.
Folk Dancing in Pinner: shot of people getting ready outdoors, musicians, children running around and Morris Dancers introducing the events. Many people in English country dancing costumes. Shots of spectators and sign that says "Circassian Circle Folk Dance Club" and "Harrow Folk Dancing Club. A shot of the front of the Langham Cinema.
Snow, Dec 1981-Jan 1982: The winter of 1981/82 is also covered as snow paralyses the country. Many shots of snow covered trees, cars, snow covered cables, traffic jams, people walking down Pinner High Street outside the Queen's Head. A shot of the Langham Cinema in the snow with sign indicating it had been sold.
IT: 9 January 1982: more snow - long shots of fields, birds in the snow and a person pulling a child on a sledge, child skiing, many sledding in a field.
School Demolished:
Harrow Arts Centre Open Day: shots of the car park and entrance to Arts Centre; interior shot of craft activities going on during the open day including marquetry, spinning with a wheel, modelling in clay of sitters, display of paintings by the Wealdstone Arts Society, display by Pinner Cine Society.
IT: Hops from Beer
Shot of a beach with a boat
Studio Pottery from Perivale, a shot of people making pottery followed by people doing macramé. Possibly in the Arts Centre
Hall's Farm: a man standing on a bucket of bulldozer holding a cinecamera to get a shot of herds of cows on Hall's Farm, getting a shot from above. Mixture of shots of the cows from above and on ground level. Shots of cows coming in to be milked. Shot of cameraman, man walking along by a fence and then some tractors.
IT: The End
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;Harrow