The World At War Reel 2
16mm film Colour Sound 30/01/1974 32:00

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Summary: 16mm print of The World at War TV show across two reels - Episode 13 "Tough Old Gut: Italy (November 1942 – June 1944)"
Title number: 20049
LSA ID: LSA/26493
Description: 16mm print of The World at War TV show across two reels - Episode 13 "Tough Old Gut: Italy (November 1942 – June 1944)"
Further information: Episode 13 - "Tough Old Gut: Italy (November 1942 – June 1944)"
Emphasizes the difficult Italian Campaign beginning with Operation Torch in North Africa, the invasion of Sicily; Salerno, Anzio, Cassino; and the capture of Rome. Interviewees include General Mark Clark, Field Marshal Lord Harding, Bill Mauldin and Wynford Vaughan-Thomas. Originally broadcast 30 January 1974.