Remains To Be Seen
16mm film Black & White Sound 1969 14:00

Summary: Remains to be Seen title - friends meet at a dinner party and one agrees to spend the night in a morgue with a candle that will burn for an hour and only four matches.
Title number: 20038
LSA ID: LSA/26482
Description: Cutting copy of 1969 Film Remains to Be Seen (1969) - Partially viewed due to weak joins. Magnetic sound.
Opening shot of a men and women smoking in the dark. Group discussion amongst young people drinking in a social situation about fear and the supernatural. One of the characters works in a morgue. A bet is set up for him to spend a night in the morgue. Next scene shows the morgue set alone on a hill and the character in the morgue with a candle at night time and the door locks behind him. While sitting in a chair reading a magazine there is the sound of wind blowing through doors and windows. The candle is dwindling and he only has four matches; he falls asleep and wakes up with candle gone out. He lights the candle and goes and checks on body where he is surprised by a rat and discovers hole where the rats are getting in. He drops the candle which he needs to relight. Falls asleep in chair then a ghostly figure of himself walks across the screen. Cut to coffin and a hand emerges and slow motion he is trying to get out of the room but the door is locked. Screaming he runs to window where he encounters a ghostly face. The corpse arises from the coffin. He runs away and throws himself on floor. The corpse places his hand over the man's face and we see sequences of his friend's faces. Suddenly he wakes up and we realise it was a nightmare. The corpse is back in the coffin. He has dropped the candle again and is looking for the two remaining matches. While doing this the corpse appears standing over him and he screams. The corpse pulls his face off and we discover it's one of his friends playing a prank. But he has scared him to death. Now his friend tries to get out but he is locked in too. He shouts out the window for his other friends. The film ends with them trapped in the room.
Credits: Geoffrey Arthurs (Director); Geoffrey Arthurs (Editor); Jack Gardner (Sound); Donald Stallwood; Mohammed Husein, Donald Stallwood, Geoffrey Arthurs (Producer)
Cast: Keith Palmer (main character), Bill Carr (his friend), Mohammed Hussein (corpse), Sue Johnson, Linda Mikrut, Bill Kennerly, Antony Child (all students)
Keywords: Thriller; Corpses; Morgue