Bexley Charter Celebrations
16mm film Black & White Sound 1937 4:47

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Summary: A newsreel item from the Pathe Gazette on the celebrations accompanying Bexley urban district's incorporation as a borough.
Title number: 20
Description: Celebrations as the urban district of Bexley receives its charter of corporation as a borough. At the borough boundary at Pinnacle Hill the Charter Mayor meets Lord Cornwallis who presents the charter. A large crowd of dignitaries and local residents are gathered to watch the proceedings. A monument is filmed with the Union flag flying beside it and a floral display below. In Danson Park a much larger crowd watch a parade of Boy Scouts, a marching brass band, and cub scouts who precede the arrival of Lord Cornwallis, the Mayor and other local figures of authority. Lord Cornwallis inspects the guard of honour of ex-servicemen, before receiving the chief officials of the council with his wife. A number of speeches are given (not recorded on the soundtrack), before Lord Cornwallis makes the official presentation of the charter to the Mayor. There follows a sequence of shots of the crowd in the park, including a large group of children who wave at the camera, other children playing with hoops on the lawn, girls playing netball, boys playing rugby, and a group of men and women stood in front of some bell tents.
Further information: Two sequences in this piece of film are silent, suggesting that the Pathe Gazette newsreel item may have been edited with some locally shot footage of the event.
Keywords: Boroughs; Celebrations; Mayors
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Bexley