Hendon Show (1955)
35mm film Black & White Sound 1955 7:08

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Summary: A film of the 1955 Hendon Show.
Title number: 2
Description: Film from the 6th annual Hendon Show. Some of the show attendees are filmed queuing to enter and making their way into Hendon Park. Inside a dog show is in progress, with contestants from pedigree canines to humble house pets. Around the band stage the opening ceremony commences with the Mayor, Councillor Dudley Davis, presiding. a young girl presents a bouquet to the Mayoress and the Mayor declares the show open. There is film from the show's 'fashion parade' in which models wearing clothes from local retailers sashay up and down an open-air catwalk, their outfits described by fashion journalist Elizabeth Callum-Jones. Elsewhere in the show a fun fair is in full flow, with children and adults milling between the fairground amusement rides. Outside the Gaumont cinema on the corner of Watford Way and Queens Road, the cinema manager Mr Foster escorts the Floral Queen, Miss Diane Price, to her parade float. The Floral Queen and her attendants arrive at the show later to be met by the celebrity guest, actor John Gregson. In one of the show's marquees the Rank Organisation hosts an exhibition. John Gregson imitates the Rank gong man and writes autographs for some film fans. Back out on the showground, a BEA helicopter delivers the Mayor and Mayoress on a return visit to the show. The film concludes with film of the grand floral parade through Hendon town including decorated floats for the floats for the civil defence corps and the seaside towns of Ramsgate, Clacton and Hastings.
Further information: This film was presented to His Worship the Mayor of Hendon with the compliments of the Odeon and Gaumont Theatres. An item on the 1955 Hendon Show appeared in the Gaumont British News newsreel issued on the 15th August 1955, and this would appear to be a longer version of that story for local consumption.
Keywords: Shows; newsreel
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Barnet; Hendon