Drills at Southwark and New HQ
ProRes digital file Black & White Mute ? 2:46
Summary: Drills and buildings.
Ladders, fire engines and ropes are inspected, before we get a long look at the Fire Brigade’s new Lambeth HQ from the river.
Title number: 19953
LSA ID: LSA/26396
Description: The first half of this film shows firefighters performing drills in front of officers such as using and taking apart ladders, working a water mains and wrestling ropes. Also includes interior footage and shots of a fire engine. This is probably from the old HQ in Southwark as the rest of the film, taken from a boat, looks at the HQ under construction on Albert Embankment, flanked by two striking lost buildings – the art deco WH Smiths building and Royal Doulton pottery works.