Techniques of Bomb Disposal
35mm film unknown Sound ? 36:00

Summary: Mr Ambrose and his bomb disposal team tackle an unexploded 1000kg bomb in Victoria park. A deep shaft is dug down to the estimated position of the bomb, which is then made safe and removed. Another device, thought to be a 50 kg bomb, in Richmond Park is next dealt with. External signs that the bomb may have exploded underground lead the team to take particular care as the resulting camouflet may contain poisonous gases. This turns out to be the case, and one of the team has to be pulled out and revived when his probe breaks through from the bottom of the shaft. Next, they tackle a bomb through the basement of an end of terrace house ("No.42 Avondale Square"), next to a factory. A trench is dug across the side of the factory to protect the foundations in case the bomb explodes, while the shaft down through the floor of the house is dug. A knock from the spade starts the fuse ticking, and the bomb has to be detonated with all possible speed using a fuse led up and out of the shaft. The house is demolished by the explosion, but the factory can resume work.
Title number: 19939
LSA ID: LSA/26382