Topical Budget: Minister Of Health Lays Foundation Stone, Edmonton (1930)
ProRes digital file Black & White Mute 1930 2:02
Summary: Minister of Health gets his hands dirty laying the foundation stone for an extension to the North Middlesex Hospital in Enfield.
Title number: 19827
LSA ID: LSA/26272
Description: Arthur Greenwood, the Minister for Health between 1929 and 1931 and later a vital member of Churchill’s War Cabinet, is shown applying mortar for a foundation stone, marking an extension to the Nurses Home at North Middlesex Hospital in Edmonton, Enfield. Contains some fine shots of the hospital and staff.
Selected by London's Screen Archives on behalf of the BFI National Archive
Cast: Arthur Greenwood
Keywords: Nurses; Hospital; stone laying; Edmonton
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Enfield; Edmonton